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Here are a few of our favorite sites.  Just click the logos to check them out: is a great resource for how to ballast tracks, plan your layout, or just simply learn more about the hobby.  If you're just getting into LEGO® trains, this is a great place to start.

Brick Model Railroader is a great place to find inspiration for creations, hear about shows, and learn some new building techniques.

BlueBrick is a layout software for LEGO® trains.  You can download the BrickTracks expansion folder here.  It has not only all the current BrickTracks tracks, but we've added a few new ideas, too!  Unzip the files in the same folder as the BlueBrick folder, and you'll be good to go!

Though now sadly defunct, the past issues of RAILBRICKS are an invaluable resource for inspiration and building ideas.  A must read for anyone building a realistic train board.

The quintessential forum for all things LEGO®, Eurobricks is THE place to connect with other fans of the brick.  We highly recommend the train forum there.

If you aren't already familiar with BrickLink, you should be.  There's no better place to get all the elements you need.  Whether you need 5,000 brown tiles or that one obscure brick, the BrickLink marketplace has it all.


Need BrickTracks files for  Download them here.

Need instructions for trains or stickers for your rolling stock?  Pick up these and other accessories over at Brick Train Depot and build it big!

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